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My Birthday Present Help My Self Esteem! The Best Year Ever!!!

A couple of years ago, I got the absolute best gift ever from my amazing sister and best friend. Helen knew that I had been struggling with self-esteem issues and trying to grow as a person. I thought she was going to get me that cute little sweater at the mall that I had hinted about. Wrong!

Instead, she got me something that has paid off tremendously. She got me an astrology consultation packaged as a four week session. It began with a solar return reading, which was all about my birthday year ahead. Not only did she pay for me, she even gave me a ride each week so that I did not have to worry about that part of it. I don't drive so, transportation after the buses run is a real hassle.

I could not believe how much I learned. This was truly the best gift I have ever received for my birthday because it allowed me the opportunity to really begin to learn about myself and how I can grow as a person.

Before the class, I was always trying to please other people and I didn't think about myself and what I needed. If someone at work asked for help on a project, I would willingly take on more than my share. While I worked late, my coworkers were often doing other things, knowing that I would ensure the job got done.

No more! Today, I work on my own projects and only take on what is good for me. Well, for the most part. I do still make mistakes sometimes and that is certainly okay. I am human and allowed to make mistakes. That is all part of what I have learned and am still learning about myself.

I have also started exercising regularly and took up a hobby that I hadn't been involved in since I was a kid. I used to love playing with clay, and have discovered that I have quite the knack for making stuff out of polymer. So far it is just stuff for myself and friends but I am thinking about starting a little side business with it as well.

I am so, so glad that she took me to that astrologer and discovered so much from in the astrology world . It is the best present I have ever received and it has completely transformed my life. Everyone should feel this great all the time!

How To Boost Your Self Esteem?

Self esteem, or the feeling of being confident or proud of self and the actions, behavior, judgment and other capabilities, is a universal quality that helps people be just themselves and be self-assured. However, not all men and women have equal self-esteem and the reasons could be numerous a troubled childhood, sadistic parents, affronting peers, traumatic ailment or accident, ugly physical appearance, deformities and more. Here are some universally accepted and proven ways to boost self esteem.

Take some risks

The more you step out of your comfort zone and take on new challenges and missions, the more you are going to be confident about your abilities. There might be some setbacks and failures, but you should not be afraid of them. The more you learn new skills and gain knowledge and experience, the greater will be your confidence on yourself. Above all, you can grow as a person and develop the courage to try new things. Build on small successes

Do not take on more than you can manage. If you dream of becoming a great cook, start with small dishes and try them for a few weeks before moving on to bigger and more complex dishes. In time, you will be able to prepare full meals for your entire family and even guests. Relish small successes and promise to yourself that you will not stagnate, but get better.

Avoid negative people

The world is full of people who are filled with insecurities, jealousies and a sadistic intent of deriving pleasure out of humiliating or belittling others. Avoid the company of such people, who are usually popular in a small circle but not usually well off in life. In any case, friendship should be always empowering and never demeaning. Even if a few of your loved ones are the ones who hurt or mock you and get fun out of it, you should avoid them and be in the company of people who are always positive and never display humiliating behavior. Exercise regularly

The society places a lot of importance on physical beauty, and treats good-looking, shapely people with more respect and admiration. Join a sports club or stick to a regular exercise program, and get in shape. It will improve your health, make you feel good and also make both sexes treat you with more respect. Write down your exito

Each time you are successful at something, write it down in a small diary or notepad and keep it somewhere safe. Thus, you will not forget it. With time, a mere glance at the growing list of successful activities will give you more autoestima.

Categorizing Human Emotions

The subject of human emotions is a complicated one. While experts agree that these affect all aspects of a persons life, a defining list of human emotions has yet to be created. Heres a quick look at two of the most popular methods for categorizing emotions: Plutchiks Wheel of Emotions

A renowned academician and psychologist, Robert Plutchik is known for his psycho-evolutionary theory on emotion, which is still widely referenced today. Here, he states that there are eight (8) basic emotions that evolved to increase an animals reproductive fitness. These are paired with one another, so that there are 4 primary emotions, each having a basic opposite:

Fear Anger Joy Sadness Surprise Anticipation Trust Disgust

From his theory, he developed a wheel of emotions in 1980 as a way of demonstrating the relationships that exist among emotions. Aside from the 8 mentioned above, he also included in the wheel 8 derivatives that combine 2 basic emotions. He referred to the resulting emotions as human feelings. Below is a list for your reference:

Awe = fear+ surprise Aggressiveness = anger + anticipation Love = joy + trust Remorse = sadness + disgust Optimism = anticipation + joy Disapproval = surprise + sadness Submission = trust + fear Contempt = disgust + anger

It is worth noting that the 8 derivative emotions above are also opposites of each other. Awe is the opposite of aggressiveness; love, remorse; optimism, disapproval; and submission, contempt.

There are other feelings in the wheel that result from changing the intensity of a basic emotion. Here is the complete list:

Joy (core emotion) serenity (less intense), ecstasy (more intense) Sadness pensiveness, grief Trust acceptance, admiration Disgust boredom, loathing Fear apprehension, terror Anger annoyance, rage Surprise distraction, amazement Anticipation interest, vigilance


The Human-Machine Interaction Network on Emotion (HUMAINE) was a European Network of Excellence that aimed to lay the foundations for the development of emotion-oriented systems in the European Union. The project, which included experts/researchers from various fields and with different specializations, gave birth to the computer language EARL Emotion Annotation and Representation Language. There are 48 emotions in EARL, and these are further classified into ten categories, namely, you can read more about types of emotions :

Forceful and negative emotions annoyance, anger, irritation, contempt, and disgust Negative emotions that you cant control most of the time anxiety, fear, embarrassment, powerlessness, helplessness, and worry Negative thoughts guilt, shame, envy, doubt, and frustration Negative and passive despair, sadness, hurt, boredom, and disappointment, Agitation tension, shock and stress Positive and lively delight, excitement, elation, amusement, joy, pleasure and happiness Caring love, affection, friendliness and empathy Positive thoughts hope, trust, courage, satisfaction and pride Quiet positive relaxation, serenity, calmness, contentment and relief Reactive politeness, surprise and interest

How To Overcome Inferiority Complex

Inferiority complex is characterized by the psychological condition of feeling inadequate, helpless, and weak in accordance with societal norm. Since the terms introduction in the early 90s by a psychologist named Alfred Adler, it found associations with those who struggle with poor self-image, lack of self-worth, uncertainties, and social anxieties.

With the help of hypnosis for confidence building, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and psychotherapy of sorts, an individual can improve self-confidence and eliminate inferiority complex.

Understanding the Psychological Condition

Signs: Anger accumulation Dependence on flattery Heightened sensitivity Overly judgmental attitude Out-of-place selflessness (the feeling that others needs are more important) Performance anxiety Social withdrawal

Inferiority complex is a condition that arguably arises from individual perception. It causes an individual to compete mentally, and think that his own qualifications cant amount to the qualifications of another. Immediate treatment is recommendable since it is negatively influential on a persons behavior. Once it exacerbates, it results to a derailment in learning and a staggering decline in performance whether academically or socially.

Admission of the Inferiority

Through various psychotherapy approaches, an individual gains mental clarity, which is crucial in the awareness of the inferiority complex. Usually, it is a subconscious mental problem; it wreaks havoc in passive-aggressive means.

Inferiority complex is a mental condition that necessitates attention to avoid worsening. While these can be initially harmless, the manifestations can lead to serious problematic behavior. As psychologists say, a greater level of inferiority comes with a more powerful and more violent reaction towards the agitator.

Thus, by refusing to deny the problem at hand, an individual with the condition can inch closer to the improvement of his confidence. While it is not always easy, the admission of personal weaknesses plays a fundamental role for the treatment. Since total self-honesty is essential, there exists familiarity with the true level of self-esteem. With thorough awareness, the recovery process can commence.

A Mental Reset

In beating inferiority complex, a total mental reset is necessary. Adopting a fresh perspective is helpful. Rather than to entertain overwhelming feelings of not being relatively excellent, it is an affected individuals duty to train his mind to carry positive thoughts. As much as possible, he should utopian thinking (or if only… thinking), competitive thinking, restrictive thinking, as well as the urge to satisfy standards.

The effectiveness of psychotherapy in addressing the problematic mental condition is unquestionable. Since it proposes the elimination of pessimism, it works wonders. With the right words of encouragement, an individual can begin feeling good about himself.

The Different Meditation Techniques

Although different meditation enthusiasts may not always practice the same meditation technique, whats important is to understand that all of the different techniques are designed to promote emotional positivity, develop an individuals ability to focus, and cultivate the mindfulness skills as well.

In the following video, youll learn more about the benefits of meditation.

There are lots of Buddhist schools that use different meditation techniques. Some of the most commonly used techniques are active meditation and the deep breathing technique. Another meditation technique that is considered as one of the most commonly used is called the mindfulness of breathing. According to meditation expert Kamalashila, there are five basic meditation techniques that are used to fight the five main obstacles to enlightenment, which include lack of knowledge, food cravings, distraction, conceit and hatred.

Mindfulness of breathing is a technique that is aimed at improving a persons concentration skills. The other basic meditation techniques include the Metta Bhavana, which is used to neutralize hatred and develop the loving kindness in a person; the Contemplation Of Impermanence, which helps develop inner peace and the feeling of freedom, and help fight food craving as well; the Six Element Practice, is also helpful in fighting food cravings, and in helping a person achieve a sense of clarity; and lastly the Contemplation of Conditionality, a vissapana meditation that is an antidote to ignorance, and is aimed at developing knowledge and compassion.

Theres another set of meditation techniques that consist of 5 types of Zen. This is classified by Zen master Kuei-Feng Tsung Mi. The first type is called the bonpu or bompu zen. This is also known as common or usual zen. This is a type of meditation that is used for achieving physical and mental wellness. The second type of Zen is called the gedo zen, which means an outside way . This is used for non-Buddhist purposes, which means that this technique is practiced outside of Buddhist teachings. The third type of zen is the shojo zen, which is also known as the hinayana practice or the small vehicle. This is a type of meditation that is used when searching for nirvana or self-liberation. The fourth type is the daijo zen, which is also known as the great practice zen or the great vehicle. This is used in searching for nirvana or self-liberation. The fifth type of Zen is called the saijojo zen. This is also known as the easy and perfect zen or the supreme vehicle. This is considered as the highest form of the Zen practice.

Introduction To Creative Visualization

The term creative visualization may be one that youre familiar with. In the past several years, creative visualization has been talked about in several best-selling books and has been promoted by several high profile celebrities. For a while there was a lot of media buzz around this new technique. People clamored to find out what it was all about. Yet, what was lost in the hoopla was the fact that creative visualization is neither new nor is it really a technique. Instead, creative visualization is a process or way of living your inner life, similar to meditation. Additionally, creative visualization has been around for a very long time.

Mankind has known how to develop an active and productive style of thinking for millennia. Artists, in all media, have long visualized different ways of looking at the reality of the world. Their translations of these visions have resulted in music, dance, poetry and more. In fact, the very idea of creative visualization is based on the concept of imagining something different, something that you want or desire. You are then better able to make that desire or need a reality precisely because of the visualization process. In other words, when you think hard enough about a goal, you create ways to actualize that goal. With creative visualization thinking leads to working and forward movement.

All of this means that creative visualization is a potent tool for self-development. When used properly, it can actually change your ingrained modes of behavior, leading you to greater happiness, contentment and fulfillment. Do these changes also mean increased levels of productivity and success? The answer is an emphatic yes! With creative visualization you can minimize or eliminate troublesome behaviors and develop and maximize positive behaviors.

If you think about it, we all spend a certain amount of time daydreaming and wishing for change. These mental processes are unfocused and relatively impotent. Yet, they are the first common steps on the road to being able to harness your ability to acutely visualize where you want to go and then get there.

Dont think that all this talk about power and focus means much time and energy needs to be spent perfecting the process. Far from it! Creative visualization is actually quite easy to learn how to do properly. It will quickly and effortlessly become a natural part of your day to day life, bringing you simple happiness with every thought. Like anything worth doing, creative visualization is a process which gets better and provides more satisfaction the more it is used. Practice does indeed make perfect when it comes to creative visualization.

Well take a look at some advanced creative visualization techniques. Youll discover how to incorporate these techniques into your existing visualization practice. Well also take a look at some best practices and tips so that you can maximize the effectiveness of your visualization.

Well take a look at creative visualization in action. Well examine some specific examples of how to practically put visualization to work for you. Well look at different areas of life where visualization is useful, including finances, confidence and family relations.

Well wrap everything up in a concluding section where well recap what youve learned. Youll be able to use this section as a handy reference guide when needed.

So, are you ready to learn a technique that has the ability of changing your life for the better? Are you ready to learn how to effectively visualize a goal and then reach that goal? Are you ready to get what you want when you need it, quickly and easily? If so, lets not waste any more time and get started on your path to effective creative visualization!