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Preparing For My Babys Delivery

Finding out that I was pregnant was the greatest joy and surprise of my life. My husband and I had just moved to Canada from the UK and we were still getting used to our new home and jobs. As soon as we found out we were going to become parents, we started making preparations, focusing especially on finding the right cord blood bank and getting in touch with a specialized courier to make the delivery quickly, Canada market being still full of surprises for us, especially in terms of cord blood banking companies and couriers specialized in delivering the cord blood from the clinic to the bank. We decided to give our child every possible fighting chance, so we chose to preserve the cord blood, in case we would need it later for stem cell therapy. Also, I decided to brave it out and deliver the baby 100% naturally, without an epidural. Getting In the Motherhood Mindset Caring for another was a novel experience for me from the first weeks of pregnancy. However, I found out that it is very easy to be a responsible pregnant woman in Canada: bio food and 100% natural vitamin drinks are easily available in every supermarket and there are a lot of gyms catering to the special needs of future mothers. I feared Lamaze classes Ive always found it hard to act out in front of others. The idea of pretending to give birth and breathe in that funny way in a room full of other couples was scary. However, the friendly instructor made everyone feel at ease by throwing in a joke here and there and, soon, I was looking forward to the weekly Lamaze class. How My Doctor Became My Best Friend As new residents in a new country, we had to start fresh with everything including the doctor who would monitor my health and assist me at birth. After a few initial awkward appointments, we finally broke the ice. She is an alert and lively woman, with two children of her own and a wealth of personal and professional experience in childbirth. My doctor was an invaluable help in selecting a reputable stem cells bank and a courier to make the delivery quickly. She explained to me that it is critical to inform both the stem cells bank and the delivery service as soon as labour starts. Leaving My Fears Behind As I progressed through the first and second trimesters of pregnancy, I learned to be more confident in my instincts and enjoy these special moments of my life. I know that I have taken all the necessary precautions and I am keeping a healthy lifestyle to give my baby the best chances for a perfect start in life. And when the big moment comes, I will be ready. I will walk inside the maternity ward knowing that I have my loving husband and a competent doctor by my side, that the courier to make the delivery quickly will take the babys cord blood to the stem cell bank for safe preservation, and that our new family will live an extremely happy life in Canada, our new country.

Who is your Friend

When you hit the thirties then the scales of youth gradually start falling. You start seeking the deeper meaning of life and one of the things you change apart from your wardrobe s your friendships so how should it go?

1.You’re alike

There has to be some similarities whether it be love of coffee, politics, literature, movies, or even people watching. There just has to be a common ground. I have a specific friend whose personality is so different from mine that other people wonder why we are friends. However, what they don’t know is that we share a mutual likeness for watching Korean dramas and gory films and then talking about it later over coffee.

2. You show each other mutual respect

Every smart person knows that respect is earned and real friends respect each other. They know when they need to be quiet and give you privacy and space or when they should shake you back to your senses. My friends give me advice whether solicited or not but they respect my decision even if they don’t agree with it.

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Fake friends do not come with a label that reveals so. They are like the green snake in the green grass but the thing is they will always leave one or two clues expose them. For you to overcome the sway of fake friends you have to know how to deal with them and still hold you head up high.

If the friend is only an occasional friend or person you deal with, cutting off communication during your working toward your goal may be wise. If your saboteur is a family member, this may be impossible, but otherwise, since they aren’t a real friend anyway, I would let them go.

State your goals clearly to your supportive friends, and have them with you whenever you are engaged with these family members or fake friends you cannot cut out of your life. That way, your supportive friends can help support your mission in the midst of naysayers.

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Minimize the amount of focus you give your goals when in the presence of fake friends. Since fake friends focus on their own goals and needs, they won’t miss what you don’t bring up.

Become more comfortable being alone. Having fake friends drains a lot of energy. Save that energy you give away to fake friends to accomplish more of what you want to in life.

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You might now be wondering how else you can make true friends if the ones you had were not true. Well true people make good friends you simply have to know how to find them because most of the times they are the most misunderstood people.

Much like with family members, you can go extended stretches of weeks or months without talking and hanging out consistently, yet there’s no doubts about your relationship. Schedules get busy, circumstances arise, but your friendship remains fully intact.

They are sincerely happy to see you have any type of success. Not the lying-through-my-teeth fake smile and bogus “Screw you, why not me? Ohhhh, well good for you!” – but legitimate excitement and congratulations.

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