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Cord Blood Or Dna Storage: What Are The Differences?

More and more future parents are trying to do everything they can to safeguard their babys future. They start saving for their childs college fund and they contact the most reputable Toronto stem cell banks, trying to understand as much as possible about the process of preserving their newborn babys blood cord or DNA.

Since it is such a popular (and still confusing) subject, I decided to do some research and shed some light on the differences between storing cord blood and DNA. I must admit that I knew next to nothing about the subject, so I started my research with an open mind, free of bias or erroneous information.

The Collection Process

Both cord blood and DNA are collected immediately after the birth of your baby. Both types of samples are sealed in vacuum and sterile packaging and sent by special courier service to the stem cell bank where they are deep frozen (the process is called cryogenic preservation).

Now, let me get in more detail on the different collection processes:

1. For Cord Blood

Cord blood is collected from the umbilical cord as soon as possible after the babys birth. There are two types of methods for collecting cord blood:

  • The gravitational method cord blood is collected into the recipients by natural gravitational flow;
  • The syringe method the cord blood is drawn from the umbilical cord by a syringe and then pumped into the sterile recipient.

Both methods are 100% safe for the baby and the mother and all the hospitals in Toronto have specialized teams for the safe collection of cord blood by both methods.

2. For DNA

DNA collection is very simple and non-invasive: a cotton swab is gently brushed against the inside cheek of the baby and then sealed, transported by courier service to the stem cell bank and preserved using the same process as in the case of cord blood.

What Is the Difference between Cord Blood and DNA Therapy?

Cord blood is used to extract stem cells. Stem cells are unspecialized primary cells that can be taught to grow into various types of specialized cells, such as marrow, bone, or blood cells. Stem cells therapy is mostly used for the treatment of various genetic blood diseases and various types of cancer.

In case of DNA preservation, Toronto clinics use the original, unaltered DNA to develop various gene therapies (for instance, reversing genetic mutations which are responsible for certain types of cancer).

Therefore, if you want to cover any potential issues, you should preserve both the babys cord blood and original DNA and have them delivered by reputable courier service Toronto companies to the stem cells bank of your choice after your childs birth.


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